New Generation -- New Business Flow

My article - New Generation -- New Business Flow - was published in Cutter

Here is part of it:

.... Another possible outcome of this scenario involves the business flow of IT information systems. Currently, the business flow of information is designated to a specific task, whether it's a loan request, ordering a product, or another specific task. The information systems are built in a manner that will enable this specific task where all techniques are used (including GUI labs) to keep the customer focused. However, the "keep in focus" goal of the old IT system is not applicable at all to the digital native, who is updating Twitter and Facebook and chatting while doing the transaction. This means that new IT systems should go to other directions. Instead of focusing on one specific task, the new IT systems should thread several business activities together. For example, while ordering a product, the company might offer the client another product or ask the customer to fill out a survey (for a small giveaway), etc. This should occur not after the client has finished ordering the product but while he or she is ordering.

This is unthinkable nowadays, but as the digital natives generation expands, our basic business concepts will have to change. The interesting question to think about is how this will influence the technology and IT world as we know it.

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